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Indoor Air Quality

by Apr 10, 2023Hot Topics, IAQ0 comments

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, your indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air.  In fact, the American College of Allergist says that 50% of illnesses are caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air. Germs, pollen, dust, pet dander, bacteria, VOCs, smoke, etc.  Since we spend around 90% of our time indoors, maybe something should be done to improve our indoor air quality.  Well, being the ever so handy AC Guys, we have four ideas, each directly related to your home’s HVAC system.


Four ways to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home using your HVAC system:

    1. Increase air circulation
    2. Monitor your HVAC filters
    3. Schedule regular maintenance for your HVAC system
    4. Invest in HVAC indoor air quality products 

1. Increase Air Circulation

Your thermostat likely has a setting that controls the fan.  On a basic thermostat, you have two options: Auto and On.  In Auto mode, the fan only comes on when the rest of the system is operating.  In the On mode, the fan runs all of the time regardless of what the rest of the system is doing.  As such, the air in your home can circulate more frequently. This can help even out temperatures throughout your home.  Also, this increased air circulation means that your HVAC filtration system filters the air in your home more frequently, which can be great for those who suffer from allergies and asthma.  

2. Monitor Your Filters

Your HVAC filter’s job is to remove dust, debris, and allergens from the air circulating throughout your home.  As your filter collects particulates, it’s normal for it to get dirty; however, if it gets too dirty, it can actually reduce airflow and even stop being effective at filtration.

Your mission is to monitor your filter.  As it gets dirty, change it.  In the summer, when the system is running a lot, you may need to change it more often than other times of the year.  This consistent minimal effort on your part will improve your indoor air quality, the effectiveness of your system, and even it’s lifespan.

3. Schedule Regular Maintenance for your HVAC System

Although maintenance primarily ensures that your system is operating effectively and safely, scheduling regular maintenance for your HVAC system can also help improve indoor air quality.

When we do maintenance on your system, we don’t just check the mechanical operations, but also the general cleanliness.

During a furnace tune-up, an HVAC technician should clean dust or debris from inside your furnace cabinet. The technician should also examine your blower fan to ensure it is free of any dirt, pet hair, or lint buildup.  Because the blower fan controls air circulation year-round, this can affect your heating and cooling systems’ performance.

During an air conditioner or heating tune-up, an HVAC technician should also check the condition of your evaporator coil.  It should be clean and free of any restrictions. 

When air conditioners cool your home, they also remove moisture from the air inside your home.  This moisture can cause mold and bacteria to build up inside the system.  If noted, the area should be treated with a fungistat spray.

Finally, if you notice abnormal smells when your system runs, this could mean that your system is circulating air pollutants like mold spores and bacteria. If this is the case, give us a call to schedule a cleaning.

4. Invest in HVAC Indoor Air Quality Products

Sometimes your existing HVAC system needs a little help to address indoor air quality issues. If your health and comfort are at risk, your HVAC experts at The AC Guys can add IAQ products to your existing system.

Typical HVAC indoor air quality products include:

    • Dehumidifiers
    • Air purifiers



As someone living in Texas, it’s no secret that too much humidity can affect your comfort and your home. Dehumidifiers help by removing humidity from the air.

Although your air conditioner does dehumidify your home, adding a dedicated dehumidifier can improve the process and give your AC a break.

Removing humidity from the air can also help you feel cooler. With less water vapor, the air won’t be able to hold heat as easily. Furthermore, because warm air and humidity tend to rise, a dehumidifier can help you reclaim upstairs rooms that may be too muggy and hot.

Finally, dehumidifiers can also help drive creepy crawlies from your home. Insects, spiders, centipedes, and silverfish thrive in spaces with more than 70% humidity. Cutting the humidity in your home to the 30% – 60% range can discourage insects, mold, and bacteria from settling into your home.


Air Purifiers

Our most popular add-on for your HVAC system to improve indoor air quality is the Reme-Halo by RGF Environmental Group.  Their system uses UV light to create low level, airborne hydrogen peroxide throughout the air-conditioned space of your home.  This reduces airborne and surface bacteria, viruses, odors, and mold. It’s installed in your ductwork, so it actively reduces pollutants at the source.

In our opinion, it’s nothing short of amazing.  Check out the excellent product presentation on RGF’s website.  Then, contact The AC Guys to get your very own.